+41 58 510 88 90


Attorney in law Dr. iur.

Silvio Hänsenberger

Expertise Area:

Inheritance law & Business Law

Legal fields:

Labor law

Inheritance law

Coporate law

Real estate law

Tenancy law

Contract law

As an experienced estate and business lawyer and notary public, I understand that making provisions for the future is of paramount importance, both for individuals and businesses. I am committed to working to ensure that my client’s rights are protected and that their interests are best represented so that they can focus on the future.

Attorney in law Dr. iur. Silvio Hänsenberger

Silvio Hänsenberger is a lawyer and notary. In court, he represents individuals as well as companies and public authorities. In contract negotiations, he acts in a goal-oriented and efficient manner. When advising and planning legal transactions, his top priority is to create added value for his clients. Silvio Hänsenberger is particularly active in courts in Eastern Switzerland and the Canton of Zurich.

Silvio Hänsenberger has been working in law firms since 2008. Previously, he worked as a seizure officer for the city of St. Gallen. He was managing director of a security company with official authorization for private police-like activities and administrative managing director of the profile area “Companies – Law, Innovation, Risk” at the University of St. Gallen. Since 2017, he has been a lecturer (private law) at the University of St. Gallen and since 2018, he has been an attorney-at-law and notary public. He has been a partner of Good Attorneys at Law since 2020.

Silvio Hänsenberger is the recipient of the following awards: Walther Hug Prize St. Gallen, Rudolf Mäder Prize, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Open Access Publication Grant, Prix d’Excellence of the Swiss Society for Liability and Social Insurance Law, and Walther Hug Prize Switzerland.

Silvio Hänsenberger’s publications are available at www.haensenberger.com.


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+41 58 510 88 90